Showing posts with label philadelphia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philadelphia. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Robotics & Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic surgery, like any field of medicine, has historically been susceptible to errors and complications. In the past & even now in 2024 mistakes are sometimes swept under the rug; records re-written and hidden from the patients and public scrutiny. However, the increasing adoption of advanced robotic systems is ushering in a new era of transparency, precision, and patient safety.  There is becoming less room for error and also an increase in transparency and accountability.  

Traditionally, orthopedic surgeons relied on their extensive training and experience to perform complex procedures like joint replacements and spinal fusions. While most surgeries were successful, the inherent variability in human judgment and technique occasionally led to suboptimal outcomes. Implants might be positioned slightly askew, or soft tissue could be inadvertently damaged. In some cases, these mistakes were downplayed or even concealed, eroding trust between doctors and patients.

The rise of robotic-assisted surgery is transforming this landscape. Sophisticated systems equipped with 3D imaging, real-time navigation, and miniaturized instruments are enabling surgeons to perform operations with unprecedented accuracy and consistency. These robots don't get tired or shake like human hands might, allowing for more precise dissections and placements of implants which is critical for optimal outcomes & the patients' quality of life.

One of the most significant advantages of robotic systems is the wealth of data they capture before, during, and after surgery. This information promotes transparency, as every detail of the procedure is documented and analyzable. Any deviations from the preoperative plan or minor complications are automatically recorded, leaving no room for errors to be hidden. This level of accountability is a game-changer for patient safety and trust.

But the key to unlocking the potential of these robots lies in the hands of the surgeons and their support teams. Proficiency with the complex software and hardware is crucial for optimal results. Manufacturers are investing heavily in training programs, and many surgeons are dedicating hundreds of hours to mastering these cutting-edge tools.

The partnership between well-versed surgeons and advanced robots is already yielding remarkable outcomes in most cases. Studies are showing reduced complication rates, less postoperative pain, and faster recoveries compared to traditional open techniques. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more personalized care, with robots tailored to address specific musculoskeletal conditions.

Orthopedic surgery is undoubtedly entering a golden age, with robots and human surgeons working side by side to deliver the best possible outcomes. The days of hidden mistakes are fading, replaced by an era of transparency, precision, and data-driven excellence. As patients, we should welcome our new robotic colleagues, recognizing that they're not here to replace our skilled surgeons, but to enhance their abilities and our collective wellbeing.

The future of orthopedics is robotic, and that's something to be excited about. With the right training and mindset, these machines will become indispensable tools in our quest for optimal musculoskeletal health.  So, the next time you or a loved one faces the prospect of surgery, remember – a robot might just be your best ally on the road to recovery.  But also keep in mind that it is good to come equipped with a list of questions expecting answers from your orthopedic doctor to see if his level of expertise is consistent with the outcome you are being promised and the results you are after before going with a surgeon.  Often a doctor will list on their online resume that they use robotics only to find out later that they did not use it during your particular surgery.   Thats not good and by law the doctor then may not accept any accountability for his negligent actions thereby trying to put the onus on the patient who was unconscious at the time of surgery which is almost delusional.  But I do not think this happens with most doctors unless they are rather old and refusing to retire in spite of any bad outcomes and the impact that it has on a person's quality of life.  Personally I believe most doctors are incredibly compassionate humanitarians that earnestly use their gifts and talents to uplift the whole of humanity and within the scope of orthopedics to enhance the quality of life for individuals which ripples out affecting society on so many levels.  And yet there are some older doctors that would better serve the public to pass the Torch on to the more qualified next generation who are better trained with robotics.  

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ego-Maniacs in Medicine

In the realm of injured patients, myself and others have encountered a distressing pattern: of lying by changing  records, smear campaigns, gaslighting, and dismissing the patient & the truth.  Many  experiences have been marked by a disheartening lack of support and understanding. It is imperative that we acknowledge and address this issue, for it undermines the well-being and dignity of those who are suffering not to mention the good people within the system who have a genuine desire to help others  & interest in medicine.  We must demand accountability , raise awareness, and advocate for change within the system for better care or others within the system can make the rules up as they go to fulfill their inflated sick egos.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Havertown Physical Therapist Bad News

I am deeply troubled by the actions of a physical therapist who publicly claimsto be a "expert in myofacia release" after taking a weekend course. Thats not good @ all. He is clearly a name dropper & uses people for stepping stones. . Now I realizewhy he works independently by himself  for himself so he doesn't have to have any accountability whatsoever & is able to change his story to suit his personal agenda along with his personality.  The guy is straight out of a horror movie that gets off on portraying himself as Mr Squeaky clean but in actuality he has the potential of being a very sinister & calculating individual.   he intentionally caused harm to me during one session on April 23, 2019. He used his elbow in both my hips causing tremendous harm to me personally with absolutely no regret whatsoever which is a huge red flag.  He refused to communicate with me and that speaks volumes about him as a professional and a person.  He is one scary individual who has several faces 😳  and he can change in a minute without notice; not a good mix when he is out there treating people hands on!! If only I had a chance to get out before he hurt me my life would be better but now I'm not ever going to be the same & a guy like that is not to be trusted doing work like that no way no how!!  He belongs in a locked cage; he's very much like a jekyll hide character. 

To make matters worse, he modishonestly altered my medical records, falsely stating that I had difficulty walking when I had full mobility prior to seeing him. All the people that know me  knew it then & they know it now.  Who does he think he is and what was his motive?  He has to be one seriously sick individual; therapy doesn't help a person like that and ya know why?  Because he is clearly classic sicko & I believe in time the mask will come off & his true self will be revealed..

 The therapist's use of his elbow on both of my hips resulted in severe harm. It is my firm belief that he does not deserve to be working in the field when there are so many fine people out there who have devoted their lives to helping others rather than hurting someone like me just because they decided that they dont like you or some cowardly reasoning is "completely off the chain"   His actions demonstrate a lack of integrity and disregard for the profession at large. He wouldn't like it.  I trust that karma will address this situation accordingly.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Truth Be Told

Welcome to a thought-provoking blog post, where we delve into an ethical dilemma that has been quietly plaguing the fields of physical therapy & orthopedics - falsifying records. In a realm built on trust and professionalism, the concept of doctors manipulating patient information raises profound concerns. Join us as we shed light on this pressing issue and explore why addressing it is not just necessary but crucial for upholding the integrity of medical practice. Brace yourself for an eye-opening journey through the complexities surrounding falsified records in orthopedics, physical therapists etc etc etc because this ethical conundrum demands our attention now more than ever. 

Do you know the law is working with the Doctors, physical therapists and other so called "professionals"  for example if you discover a flaw in your records & you bring it to their attention then you send a letter & say please add this to my chart they probably won't do it & they also get to leave their false information intact even though they know its not true.  And frankly they really don't give a dam about what you say or do. Perhaps that law needs to changed since it goes in favorable light of the practitioner doing business with you as the focal point.  It doesn't matter if they falsify and/or embellish the "story" to glorify themselves & negate the patients rights.  At this time its important that the laws are given some attention and rewritten in order to protect the well-being of patients experiencing significant abuse impacting their lives from the action or inaction of the professionals who treated them leaving their life impacted forever.  So remember just because its written down doesn't mean its true.