Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Begin Here

Let us begin again with  the rest of the story by acknowledging that healing must start from within ourselves. The intention of this grassroots movement is to educate & empower others so when approaching  the medical staff: "approach with caution" One might not know the whole story, with me but that does not negate its happening. In time I will do my best to share it with you.   For me & others it is crucial to share my story (piece meal) to help myself and others.  This should never have happened; and never would have if it wasn't for the deliberate action of a narcisstic psychopath with nefarious intentions.   As I proceed forward I hope that the experiences that we share can potentially help someone else avoid some of the pitfalls within the meical system & some of the pitfalls you can encounter like I did with a physical therapist who probably is mentally ill but never diagnosed until now..  Aa we pursue our life paths, we may encounter others who are on different journeys, yet the common goal is to heal.  My story is the exception rather than the rule.  Most of the times people go into medicine : namely physical therapy & orthopedic medicine to help others and not just for the power & monies associated with it all.

Life has taught me that people can be inauthentic, fake, phoney, impostors, insane, narcissistic, cowardly, and mean-spirited. Take, for instance, the physical therapist who caused me great  harm April 23, 2019  in Havertown PA showing absolutely no concern or empathy whatsoever after having going to him for over a year since he encouraged me getting the prescription renewed as hehe kept taking the 💰 money .  I believe he thought about over and over again hought about his actions prior to doing them with ill intentions in his mind & heart; so sad and unexpected.  Looking back, his unwillingness to communicate speaks volumes about him as a professional and, most importantly, a person. His online persona as a "Mr. Nice Guy" with pictures of dead bugs and his portrayal of the perfect lifestyle using his children as props is nothing but a facade. How can someone be so messed up that they would want to hurt someone?I'm no cut out of that cloth but everyone is not me

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