Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Doctors Manipulating The System

Some doctors, particularly surgeons in the field of orthopedics, are failing to provide the level of care that is expected of them. This is a serious matter that requires attention and action. Patients deserve nothing less than the highest standard of medical care, and it is unacceptable that some doctors are falling short in this regard.  And also all too often patients are being used for guinea pigs in teaching hospitals being operated on by incompetent students who are inadequately supervised if at all when the patient was  promised to be treated by the actual surgeon on the paperwork.  Its not even ethical but its being done across the country @ an alarming rate daily!!

One of the main concerns is the lack of thoroughness exhibited by these modern day health care.   In some cases, they may rush through procedures or fail to properly assess and diagnose patients. This can lead to misdiagnosis, inadequate treatment, and even unnecessary complications, infections & sloppy outcomes resulting in prolonged suffering & often life changing results for the patient and their families.  It is imperative that doctors take the time and effort to thoroughly evaluate each case and provide the appropriate care.  Sadly it isn't happening because they take short cuts. 

Furthermore, there have been instances where doctors & their teams have shown a lack of commitment to their patients. This can manifest in various ways, such as poor communication, dismissive attitudes, or a failure to follow up on patients' progress. Patients rely on their doctors for guidance, support, and expertise, and it is disheartening to see some doctors neglecting their responsibilities in this manner.  Some Doctors even go as far as to lie to cover up their mistakes & mistakes of their colleagues @ the cost of the patient's rights and futures.  

In conclusion, the issue of doctors, particularly surgeons in orthopedics & physical therapy not giving 100% & practicing shoddy behaviors is a serious problem that needs to be addressed & to also raise patient awareness.  Patients deserve the highest level of care and commitment from their doctors, and it is unacceptable that some doctors are falling short in too many  areas. It is crucial that steps are taken to ensure that all doctors uphold the highest standards of medical care and prioritize the well-being of their patients since the 1st rule of law in medicine is to do no harm.

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