Monday, September 30, 2024



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: -meg <>
Date: Mon, May 20, 2024, 6:27 AM
Subject: Why aren't you on my portal?
To: Ryan Mackiewicz <>


Why aren't the records accurate on the Rothman portal?

I brought the MRI DISC from penn clearly showed misplacement of left hip prosthesist which is 50 degrees out  creating femoral anteversion that I never had prior to the surgery that you & Dr Nazarian did to me according to the records you were there that day although I never saw you once. 

This is criminal @ best to leave a patient like this with no concern whatsoever!!  I am suffering daily morning noon & night. My life has been completely turned inside out & upside down.  

Please add this letter to my chart. You were absent @ last appointment just like you were the day of my surgery when I was left with   inadequate treatment from such an incompetent group in Bensalem that day!! 

They took me into   the O.R. in tears because of their lack of empathy & total lack of skills or concern for the patient approaching major surgery because they weren't even  trained. It was unbelievable. 

The lack of empathy and incompetence displayed by the medical staff during my pre-surgery experience in the operating room was deeply troubling. Their lack of integrity and empathy combined with the apparent disregard for my well-being, is unacceptable in any medical setting & especially when I was facing a MAJOR SURGICAL PROCEDURE. 

Their failure to demonstrate basic skills and concern for a patient about to undergo major surgery is a serious issue that cannot be overlooked. The lack of empathy and competence in healthcare providers can have detrimental effects on patient outcomes and overall trust in the medical system. I deserved to feel supported, informed, and cared for throughout my  medical journey, particularly during critical moments such as preparing for major surgery.

In light of this distressing incident, it is crucial for your medical institution to reevaluate your   protocols to ensure that all staff members possess the necessary skills and empathy to provide high-quality care. Patients should never have to endure such emotional distress and lack of support when entrusting their well-being to healthcare professionals. It is essential that medical providers prioritize empathy, competence, and patient-centered care to uphold the highest standards of healthcare. But it didn't happen that day : October 14, 2022 in Bensalem PA. 

The people who prepped me for surgery weren't even nurses; they were medicalassistants@ best & their main priority was getting out of there that day being it was Friday.  That is below the standard of care promised to me as a patient. Nancy threw the papers at me & couldn't even look me in the eye ; they were so mean to me it was unreal.  They treat the dogs @ the SPCA better than I was treated. I felt like more of an inconvenience rather than a priority that day. Dr Nazarian should have rescheduled the surgery seeing how upset I was after all of the mistreatment I experienced before being taken into the O.R. He obviously didn't look out for my welfare either to leave me at the hands of that team & the anesthesiologist was a complete moron making stupid jokes rather than assuring the patient they were in good hands. Looking back now I see I wasn't in good hands; the outcome is obvious & tragic. 

I think its time Dr Nazarian retires instead of hurting any more innocent people like me whose only crime was trusting people like you.


484 482 3292. 

P.S. I've been requesting the IMPLANT STICKER But to date haven't received even a call back or email from you except for the time Dr Nazarian called me SCREAMING AND YELLING @ me after you showed him this letter. Nazarian said he didn't care & said " I'm not gonna do anything"  even though the imaging  tells the story of his misplacing  the hip implant being 52 degrees out & normal range is 20 degrees. The Doctor in New York  @ HSS said Rothman owes me to take care of it but clearly Nazarian doesn't care about my mobility,  lifestyle or anyone since he's willing to just be so indifferent & smug . Maybe its time Dr Nazarian hangs up his scalpel & retire before he hurts anyone else & destroys their life 

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