Monday, December 16, 2024


There is a growing trend in the orthopedic industry & that is issue of total & up-front  transparency regarding the benefits along with the potential hazards associated with hip and knee implants. 

It is of paramount importance. patients often place their trust in the white  lab coat peoples recommendations of healthcare professionals and the FDA.

Moreover, the reliance on manufacturers to provide safety data raises significant doubts about the integrity of the information presented to both doctors and patients. The financial incentives that exist within the industry can create an environment where the potential risks of these implants are downplayed or obscured. This lack of accountability is troubling, as it undermines the trust that patients place in their healthcare providers. It is imperative that patients receive comprehensive, unfiltered information about the risks associated with the variety of hip and knee implants to make informed decisions about their treatment options.

In light of these concerns, it is essential to advocate for greater transparency and independent research into the safety of hip and knee implants. The current state of affairs, where vested interests may compromise patient safety, is unacceptable. 

Patients deserve to be fully informed about the potential hazards of the devices & methods performed & how many of these procedures they have done prior to operating on you. Let's face it some Doctors may receive kickbacks from various manufacturers & makes them free bias to the procedures & prosthetics used on you. Until significant changes are made in how information is shared and regulated, the outlook remains nebulous at best and patients will continue to face undue risks in their pursuit of relief from pain and mobility issues.   Here is a list of 10 things that can possibly go wrong: #1 leg length discrepancies #2 infections because of not properly followed basic protocols to clean & maintain sterile implements. #3  ambulisomes in the blood and heart which recently happened with Dr David Nazarian failing to follow  basic protocols with a recent knee replacement failing Nazarian was trained by the infamous University of Penn but now Dr Nazarian operates under the tutelage of Rothman Orthopedics Specialty Hospital & Thomas Jefferson Health Systems  The family lost their beloved Mother which no amount of money can compensate such a catastrophic outcome & loss @ the hands of total negligence and incompetence.

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