Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Havertown Bad Actors Award

 Showing posts with label bad actor. Show all posts

Monday, July 10, 2023

Havertown Physical Therapist Bad News

I am deeply troubled by the actions of a physical therapist who publicly claimsto be a "expert in myofacia release" after taking a weekend course. Thats not good @ all. He is clearly a name dropper & uses people for stepping stones. . I realize why he works independently by himself  for himself so he doesn't have to have any accountability whatsoever & is able to change his story to suit his nefarious agenda along with his personality.  The guy is straight out of a hell  that gets off on portraying himself as Mr Family man  but in actuality he is a very sinister & calculating individual.  I'm pretty sure his wife or 3 kids haven't caught onto him yet.  he intentionally caused harm to me during one session on April 23, 2019. He used his elbow in both my hips causing tremendous harm to me personally with absolutely no regret whatsoever which is a huge red flag.  He refused to communicate with me and that speaks volumes about him as a professional and a person.  He is clearly not a good person. How could you possibly sleep at night?  

To add insult to injury, he completely & dishonestly altered my medical records, falsely stating that I had difficulty walking when I had full mobility prior to seeing him.  His revised records were completely FALSE!! . The therapist's use of his elbow on both of my hips resulted in severe harm. It is my firm belief that he does not deserve to be called a professional, as his actions demonstrate a lack of integrity and disregard for his patients' well-being. I throw for a FACT that any man that would use his hands to intentionally hurt a woman is an impotent coward!!  He is one messed up creepy crawler.  He may fool some people some of the times but he can't fool  people all the time..  Sooner or later his TRUE COLORS will come out..  I trust that karma will address this situation accordingly.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Every Day Criminals

Crimes are a distressing reality that permeate the daily operations of hospitals worldwide. With alarming frequency, these acts of wrongdoing occur right before our eyes, leaving no room for ignorance or denial. From theft and fraud to physical and verbal abuse, the range of criminal activity within hospital walls is vast and deeply concerning; not to mention what goes on in private physical therapy clinics run by nobody to oversee the possibility of falsifying records & lying to accommodate their nefarious intentions and actions. Eventually karma will catch up to them. God don't like ugly. 

One of the most prevalent crimes in hospitals is theft. Valuable medical equipment, medications, and personal belongings of patients and staff are pilfered on a regular basis. This not only compromises the quality of care provided but also erodes the trust between patients and healthcare providers. The financial burden resulting from these thefts further strains an already burdened healthcare system.

Fraud is another grave concern within the hospital setting. False billing, insurance scams, and kickbacks are just a few examples of the fraudulent activities that plague the healthcare industry. These deceitful practices not only drain resources that could be allocated towards patient care but also undermine the integrity of the entire healthcare system.

In addition to theft and fraud, hospitals are also breeding grounds for physical and verbal abuse. Patients, vulnerable and seeking care, are subjected to mistreatment by those entrusted with their well-being. This abuse can take various forms, ranging from physical assault to verbal harassment and intimidation. Such acts not only inflict immediate harm but also perpetuate a culture of fear and power imbalance within the healthcare environment.

In light of these distressing realities, it is imperative that hospitals take immediate and decisive action to address and prevent these crimes. Enhanced security measures, rigorous background checks for staff, and comprehensive training programs are just a few steps that can be taken to combat this pervasive issue. Furthermore, collaboration between healthcare institutions, law enforcement agencies, and regulatory bodies is crucial in holding perpetrators accountable and ensuring the safety and well-being of patients and staff.

The prevalence of crimes within hospitals is a deeply unsettling reality that demands our attention and action. By acknowledging the existence of these crimes and taking proactive measures to combat them, we can strive towards a healthcare environment that is safe, trustworthy, and focused on the well-being of all those it serves.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Patients vs. Orthopedic Doctors

Orthopedic surgeons can sometimes present themselves as caring and compassionate before a surgery. However, when complications arise and mistakes are made, they often refuse to accept any responsibility for their actions. This lack of accountability can leave patients feeling betrayed and frustrated. It is disheartening to see such behavior from medical professionals who should prioritize patient well-being above all else.  This leaves the patient population questioning the quality of care they can expect from the community of orthopaedic doctors that are working in the field today. 

Saturday, July 29, 2023


Manipulation is a difficult thing to detect. Unfortunately, there are individuals who exploit others, particularly those who are disabled or not fully capable. This is a disturbing reality that highlights the darker side of human nature. It is disheartening to witness such exploitation and it is important to remain vigilant in order to protect ourselves and those around us.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Nefarious Red Flag

Medical professionals who lack empathy and display nefarious intentions are a significant cause for concern. Their actions not only undermine the trust patients place in them, but also have the potential to cause significant harm. It is disheartening to witness such disregard for the well-being of others, particularly in a field that demands compassion and ethical conduct. This alarming behavior must be addressed and rectified to ensure the safety and welfare of patients.

It Could Happen To You


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Hiding in Plain Sight

Narcissists can often be found lurking within the medical community, cunningly evading any form of accountability for their malicious intentions and actions. This unfortunate reality is a cause for great concern and warrants serious attention. It is disheartening to witness such individuals exploiting their positions of trust and authority, manipulating others for their own personal gain. The lack of accountability within the medical community allows these individuals to continue their nefarious behaviors unchecked, perpetuating harm and jeopardizing the well-being of those they are meant to serve. It is imperative that measures be taken to expose and address this issue, ensuring the integrity and safety of the medical profession and last but not least the patients themselves.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Havertown Physical Therapist Bad News

I am deeply troubled by the actions of a physical therapist who publicly claimsto be a "expert in myofacia release" after taking a weekend course. Thats not good @ all. He is clearly a name dropper & uses people for stepping stones. . Now I realizewhy he works independently by himself  for himself so he doesn't have to have any accountability whatsoever & is able to change his story to suit his personal agenda along with his personality.  The guy is straight out of a horror movie that gets off on portraying himself as Mr Squeaky clean but in actuality he has the potential of being a very sinister & calculating individual.   he intentionally caused harm to me during one session on April 23, 2019. He used his elbow in both my hips causing tremendous harm to me personally with absolutely no regret whatsoever which is a huge red flag.  He refused to communicate with me and that speaks volumes about him as a professional and a person.  He is one scary individual who has several faces 😳  and he can change in a minute without notice; not a good mix when he is out there treating people hands on!! If only I had a chance to get out before he hurt me my life would be better but now I'm not ever going to be the same & a guy like that is not to be trusted doing work like that no way no how!!  He belongs in a locked cage; he's very much like a jekyll hide character. 

To make matters worse, he modishonestly altered my medical records, falsely stating that I had difficulty walking when I had full mobility prior to seeing him. All the people that know me  knew it then & they know it now.  Who does he think he is and what was his motive?  He has to be one seriously sick individual; therapy doesn't help a person like that and ya know why?  Because he is clearly classic sicko & I believe in time the mask will come off & his true self will be revealed..

 The therapist's use of his elbow on both of my hips resulted in severe harm. It is my firm belief that he does not deserve to be working in the field when there are so many fine people out there who have devoted their lives to helping others rather than hurting someone like me just because they decided that they dont like you or some cowardly reasoning is "completely off the chain"   His actions demonstrate a lack of integrity and disregard for the profession at large. He wouldn't like it.  I trust that karma will address this situation accordingly.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Approach With Caution

 Sharing our stories can be a powerful way to heal, gain support, and empower ourselves. However, when it comes to telling our stories to someone who may be an abuser, we need to exercise caution. It's important to be aware of the potential risks involved and protect ourselves from further harm. In this blog post, we will explore why it is crucial to be cautious when

1. Understanding the nature of abuse: Abuse can manifest in various forms, such as emotional, physical, or psychological. When we have experienced abuse, it takes courage to speak up and share our stories. However, it's essential to recognize that abusers may not always be aware of the harm they cause. They may deny their actions, manipulate the narrative, or even blame the victim. Bearing this in mind, caution becomes a necessary tool in navigating such situations. 2. Protecting your emotional well-being: Telling your story to an abuser who is unaware can be emotionally challenging. It's crucial to prioritize your well-being throughout this process. Before opening up, take the time to reflect on your intentions and evaluate if it's truly safe and beneficial for you to share your experiences. Remember that your mental health and emotional stability should always come first. 3. The risk of retaliation: When confronting someone who may be an abuser, there is always a risk of retaliation. Abusers often feel threatened when their behavior is questioned, and they may lash out, escalate the abuse, or manipulate the situation to regain control. This is why caution is vital when deciding whether to disclose your story. Consider seeking professional advice or support from trusted individuals who can guide you through this process. 4. Seeking external support: When dealing with an abuser who is unaware, it's essential to build a support network around you. Reach out to friends, family, or professionals who can provide guidance, validation, and emotional support. These individuals can help you navigate the complexities of your situation and offer additional perspectives to consider before deciding how and if to share your story with the abuser. 5. Exploring alternative means of healing: While sharing your story can be therapeutic, it's not the only path to healing. Engaging in self-care practices, seeking therapy, joining support groups, or participating in creative outlets such as writing or art can also aid in your healing journey. These alternatives can provide a safe space for processing your experiences without the added risk of engaging with an abuser who may cause further harm. Conclusion: Telling your story is an act of bravery, but it's essential to exercise caution when sharing it with an abuser who may be unaware of their abusive behavior. Prioritize your emotional well-being, understand the nature of abuse, and seek support from trusted individuals. Remember, healing comes in various forms, and exploring alternative means of healing can be just as impactful. Be cautious, protect yourself, and know that your story matters.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Consider A Personal Coach

If someone you know is scheduled for hip or knee surgery, it would be beneficial to consider having a coach, such as myself, in their corner to assist in preparing for a more favorable outcome. Support from someone who has been there will help you navigate your way through the medical "system" can make all the difference for you.

Call or Text Meg @ 484 482 3292 


Saturday, July 1, 2023

Orthopedics Today

 Orthopedics today, specifically hip and knee replacements, have a significant impact on your future. These surgical procedures are commonly performed to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall quality of life for individuals suffering from joint conditions such as arthritis or injuries. Hip and knee replacements involve the removal of damaged or diseased joint surfaces and replacing them with artificial implants made of metal, plastic, or ceramic materials. The success rates of these procedures are generally high, with the majority of patients experiencing significant pain relief and improved function. However, it is important to note that the longevity of the implants can vary depending on factors such as age, activity level, and overall health. Regular follow-up appointments with your orthopedic surgeon and adherence to post-operative care instructions are crucial for long-term success. With proper care and maintenance, hip and knee replacements can provide lasting benefits, allowing individuals to lead active and fulfilling lives well into the future

But what about it part or all of the procedure goes left?  That is where I may be able to help you, listen to your story and / or help you to get the help you desire by giving you professional one on one coaching to help you navigate the medical system. 

If you want to have a FREE consultation with me the email me @ myhipjourney@gmail.com.  Thank you. I look forward I hearing from you soon. You may send your phone number & availability.   Have a good day. 


Meg O' Hanlon 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Improving Orthopedics

The health system in orthopedics can improve by prioritizing patient care and taking the necessary time to address their needs. By focusing on patient-centered care, orthopedic providers can enhance the overall patient experience and outcomes. This can be achieved through effective communication, thorough assessments, and personalized treatment plans. Additionally, investing in advanced technology and resources can streamline processes and improve efficiency. By dedicating sufficient time to each patient, orthopedic providers can ensure accurate diagnoses, effective treatment plans, and better patient satisfaction.

Medical System is Not Always Your Friend

 One of the toughest lessons I have had to tackle is the importance of being cautious as a patient in the medical system.  It is all too common to trust professionals blindly, such as doctors, physical therapists, nurses, and other so-called professionals. Unfortunately, I personally experienced being treated as just a number in the system, where my well-being was overshadowed by financial considerations. It is disheartening to know that some of these individuals behave differently when they think no one is watching, or when they lack accountability for their actions, even if those actions have life long  consequences for their patient, families & society as a whole.  One day they will answer.

Truth Be Told

Welcome to a thought-provoking blog post, where we delve into an ethical dilemma that has been quietly plaguing the fields of physical therapy & orthopedics - falsifying records. In a realm built on trust and professionalism, the concept of doctors manipulating patient information raises profound concerns. Join us as we shed light on this pressing issue and explore why addressing it is not just necessary but crucial for upholding the integrity of medical practice. Brace yourself for an eye-opening journey through the complexities surrounding falsified records in orthopedics, physical therapists etc etc etc because this ethical conundrum demands our attention now more than ever. 

Do you know the law is working with the Doctors, physical therapists and other so called "professionals"  for example if you discover a flaw in your records & you bring it to their attention then you send a letter & say please add this to my chart they probably won't do it & they also get to leave their false information intact even though they know its not true.  And frankly they really don't give a dam about what you say or do. Perhaps that law needs to changed since it goes in favorable light of the practitioner doing business with you as the focal point.  It doesn't matter if they falsify and/or embellish the "story" to glorify themselves & negate the patients rights.  At this time its important that the laws are given some attention and rewritten in order to protect the well-being of patients experiencing significant abuse impacting their lives from the action or inaction of the professionals who treated them leaving their life impacted forever.  So remember just because its written down doesn't mean its true.

Friday, June 16, 2023

The. day a man 
uses his hands 
His words & lies
His power & control 
Plays Dirty 
In any way 
to hurt a woman 
is no longer a man.  
He's a creep & a coward 


Celery & Your Bones

 Celery is very high in calcium, which help to regenerate and strengthen damaged bones. Celery is also high in Vitamin K which plays an important role in bone metabolism and protection against osteoporosis

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Begin Here

Let us begin again with  the rest of the story by acknowledging that healing must start from within ourselves. The intention of this grassroots movement is to educate & empower others so when approaching  the medical staff: "approach with caution" One might not know the whole story, with me but that does not negate its happening. In time I will do my best to share it with you.   For me & others it is crucial to share my story (piece meal) to help myself and others.  This should never have happened; and never would have if it wasn't for the deliberate action of a narcisstic psychopath with nefarious intentions.   As I proceed forward I hope that the experiences that we share can potentially help someone else avoid some of the pitfalls within the meical system & some of the pitfalls you can encounter like I did with a physical therapist who probably is mentally ill but never diagnosed until now..  Aa we pursue our life paths, we may encounter others who are on different journeys, yet the common goal is to heal.  My story is the exception rather than the rule.  Most of the times people go into medicine : namely physical therapy & orthopedic medicine to help others and not just for the power & monies associated with it all.

Life has taught me that people can be inauthentic, fake, phoney, impostors, insane, narcissistic, cowardly, and mean-spirited. Take, for instance, the physical therapist who caused me great  harm April 23, 2019  in Havertown PA showing absolutely no concern or empathy whatsoever after having going to him for over a year since he encouraged me getting the prescription renewed as hehe kept taking the 💰 money .  I believe he thought about over and over again hought about his actions prior to doing them with ill intentions in his mind & heart; so sad and unexpected.  Looking back, his unwillingness to communicate speaks volumes about him as a professional and, most importantly, a person. His online persona as a "Mr. Nice Guy" with pictures of dead bugs and his portrayal of the perfect lifestyle using his children as props is nothing but a facade. How can someone be so messed up that they would want to hurt someone?I'm no cut out of that cloth but everyone is not me

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Nobody's Perfect

There is a very real danger of our drifting into an attitude of contempt for humanity. We know quite well that we have no right to do so, and that it would lead us into the most sterile relation to our fellow-men. The following thoughts may keep us from such a temptation. It means that we at once fall into the worst blunders of our opponents. The man who despises another will never be able to make anything of him. Nothing that we despise in the other man is entirely absent from ourselves. We often expect from others more than we are willing to do ourselves. Why have we hitherto though so intemperately about man and his frailty and temptability? We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer. The only profitable relationship to others – and especially to our weaker brethern – is one of love, and that means the will to hold fellowship with them. God himself did not despise humanity, but became man for men’s sake.

– Deitrich Bonhoeffer, “Letters and Papers From Prison


Sunday, June 4, 2023

Buyer Beware

When a medical professional displays lack of empathy or acts overtly egotistical in private behind closed doors while you are one on one it can be a frustrating and even traumatic experience for patients. In cases where a patient has been injured or mistreated by a healthcare provider, it is important to take action even if it means starting a journal to help yourself process what's happened and/or what is happening currently.  Sometimes it can be a lot to handle.  Journaling can be one way to help you to release your emotions and document your personal journey. 

First, it's important to speak up and advocate for yourself. Don't be afraid to voice your concerns and ask questions about the treatment you are receiving. If you feel uncomfortable or unsure about a particular procedure or diagnosis, don't hesitate to seek a second opinion.  You can also look & post on social media. 

If you have been injured or mistreated by a medical professional, it is important to report the incident. You can file a complaint with the hospital or healthcare provider, as well as with regulatory bodies such as state medical boards or nursing associations. This may or may not help 
; possibly preventing the same thing from happening to someone else in the future.  Too many patients feel helpless at the hands of the professionals often feeling overwhelmed & thats not good. This is one of the reasons we are creating this platform for our fellow travelers. Most professionals really care but in my case & some others I have spoken to its astonishing to see the lack of empathy & false reports that some get away with at the expense of the patient.  But don't worry there is a Higher Authority that one is God and He will handle it in His time & His ways.  ISAIAH 54:17.  Yes but in the meantime what can you do to advocate for yourself and aid your healing process.  

It is also important to seek legal advice if you have been injured as a result of medical malpractice. A qualified attorney can help you understand your rights and options for pursuing compensation.  It is a long and arduous task and that is one of the reasons why some people are arrogant, unpredictable and two faced.  It's been many peoples personal experience.  

In any case, it is important to prioritize your own health and well-being. Seek out support from loved ones or a therapist if necessary, and don't hesitate to make changes to your medical care if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

What is a Professional?

A professional is a member of a profession or any person who works in a specified professional activity. The term also describes the standards of education and training that prepare members of the profession with the particular knowledge and skills necessary to perform their specific role within that profession. 


Shorthand: Pro
Pros and cons

8 Characteristics of Professionalism

  • Competence. As a professional, you get the job done – and done well. ... You would never discriminate!  You don't break peoples trust 
  • Knowledge. Professionalism involves developing detailed, up-to-date knowledge, which is often highly specialized . ...
  • Conscientiousness. ...
  • INTEGRITY. ...
  • Respect. ...
  • Emotional Intelligence. ...
  • Appropriateness. ...
  • TRUST  Trust is key to relationships with clients

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Cowards Have No place in Physical Therapy

 “Courage and conviction are powerful weapons against an enemy who depends only on fists or guns. Animals know when you are afraid; a coward knows when you are not.” 

–  David Seabur

Sunday, February 12, 2023

3D Implants Help Bone Grow


3D-Printed Ceramic Implants Help Regrow Bone

Researchers at NYU have developed 3D-printed ceramic implants that dissolves slowly, allowing bone to grow in their place. The implants can be tailored to mimic the shape of the missing bone, and are chemically-coated to stimulate bone growth. The research team hopes that the technology will be useful for patients with non-healing bone defects.

At present, large non-healing bone defects are difficult to treat. One option is bone grafting, but this involves damaging bone elsewhere, and isn’t always suitable. To address this issue, researchers are developing a variety of implants in the lab that can help to stimulate bone healing. 3D printing is particularly promising for such applications, as it allows researchers to produce patient-specific implants that match the precise size and shape required to fill specific bone defects.

This research group has developed a 3D-printed ceramic implant, and claims that it more closely resembles the shape and composition of real bone, compared with other flexible experimental bone implants. While flexibility is an advantage, many flexible implants contain plastic elasticizers and haven’t shown the same healing abilities to date.

The ceramic implants contain beta tricalcium phosphate, which is similar to components in natural bone, making the implants resorbable over time. They are also coated in dipyridamole, a blood thinning agent that stimulates bone growth and attracts bone stem cells to the implant.

“Dipyridamole has proven to be key to the implant’s success,” said Bruce N. Cronstein, a researcher involved in the study. “And because the implant is gradually resorbed, the drug is released a little at a time and locally into the bone, not into the whole body, thereby minimizing risks of abnormal bone growth, bleeding, or other side effects.”

So far, the researchers have tested the implants in bone defects in mouse skulls and rabbit limbs. They found that approximately 77% of the implant was resorbed by the animals over six months, and that new bone grew into the implant over this period. In some animals, there was almost no trace of the beta tricalcium phosphate in the defects in follow-up CT scans. Impressively, the new bone was as strong as undamaged bone.

“Our 3D scaffold represents the best implant in development because of its ability to regenerate real bone,” said Paulo Coelho, another researcher involved in the study. “Our latest study results move us closer to clinical trials and potential bone implants for children living with skull deformations since birth, as well as for veterans seeking to repair damaged limbs.”

See a video about the technology below.

Study in Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative MedicineForm and Functional Repair of Long Bone Using 3D Printed Bioactive Scaffolds…

Friday, June 10, 2022

3D Printed Tissuex

  Rice University graduate student Sean Bittner holds a 3D-printed scaffold created to help heal osteochondral injuries. Credit: Jeff Fitlow/Rice University

The scientists at Rice University and the University of Maryland engineered scaffolds that replicate the physical characteristics of osteochondral tissue -- hard bone beneath a compressible layer of cartilage that appears as the smooth surface on the ends of long bones.

Injuries to these bones, from small cracks to pieces that break off, can be painful and often stop athletes' careers in their tracks. Osteochondral injuries can also lead to disabling arthritis.

The gradient nature of cartilage-into-bone and its porosity have made it difficult to reproduce in the lab, but scientists have used 3D printing to fabricate what they believe will eventually be a suitable material for implantation.

"Athletes are disproportionately affected by these injuries, but they can affect everybody," said Sean Bittner, a third-year bioengineering graduate student at Rice, a National Science Foundation fellow. "I think this will be a powerful tool to help people with common sports injuries."

The key is mimicking tissue that turns gradually from cartilage (chondral tissue) at the surface to bone (osteo) underneath. The researchers led by bioengineer Antonios Mikos 3D printed a scaffold with custom mixtures of a polymer for the former and a ceramic for the latter with imbedded pores that would allow the patient's own cells and blood vessels to infiltrate the implant, eventually allowing it to become part of the natural bone and cartilage.

"For the most part, the composition will be the same from patient to patient," Bittner said. "There's porosity included so vasculature can grow in from the native bone. We don't have to fabricate the blood vessels ourselves."

In the future, the project will involve figuring out how to print an osteochondral implant that perfectly fits the patient and allows the porous implant to grow into and knit with the bone and cartilage.

Their results are reported in Acta Biomaterialia.


Friday, May 20, 2022

Should You File a Complaint?

 You may request a Statement of Complaint form by calling 1-800-822-2113 or 717-783-4849.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Cornell Study on Psychopaths


Using computerized text analysis, Cornell professor of communication Jeff Hancock and colleagues at the University of British Columbia found that psychopathic criminals tend to make identifiable word choices when talking about their crimes. Hancock and UBC professor of psychology Michael Woodworth discussed the implications of their study at the October 17, 2011 Inside Cornell session at Cornell's ILR Conference Center in Midtown Manhattan.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Trust Matters

Medical malpractice injuries go beyond the body – they severely damage the trust between a patient and their medical professional. Patients depend upon the expertise and professional judgment from doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals, and when these professionals violate their role by deviating from the accepted standard of practice and causing harm to the patient, the damage caused can be extremely traumatic & change the entire course of your life.  A harmful deviation from the standard of care by a health care practitioner could lead to a medical malpractice lawsuit in Pennsylvania 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Custom Implants


Source: pubmed.gov 
Case Reports

3D Printed Acetabular Components for Complex Revision Arthroplasty

Angela Yao et al. Indian J Orthop. .


Recent studies have shown high early failure rates with Cup Cage constructs in complex revision surgery for Paprosky 3B acetabular defects. As a result, the use of 3D printed custom-made acetabular components has become more common. In this case series, we present two cases that demonstrate the latest advancement in 3D printed implants for severe acetabular bone loss. The follow up was 3 and 7 years. Neither patient has undergone revision surgery of the acetabular component to date. One patient sustained a femoral peri-prosthetic fracture requiring plate fixation. This case study demonstrates that 3D printed implants have excellent intraoperative and immediate postoperative outcomes in revision surgery for severe acetabular bone defects.

Keywords: Acetabular defects; Acetabular implants; Acetabular replacement; Revision surgery.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of interestOn behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.